Sunday, 1 November 2015

A picture is worth a thousand words

Happy Belated Halloween everyone! I hope you are all doing well and are looking forward gleefully to Christmas. I know I am.
The last month or so has been so fun! Since my last blog post I have been in two craft sales, traveled to Montana for a wedding, gone to small group, young adults events, bible studies, church, gone to my Grandma's countless times, and had full weeks of work.
My favourite thing about the last month was going to Montana for my cousin's wedding. My mom, one of my cousins and I drove all the way there and back non-stop (18+hours each way), and stayed there for the weekend last weekend. I could go on and on about my times there, hanging out with my cousins and other relatives, playing Red Neck Life, the views of trees, mountains and awe inspiring sunsets, but since a picture is worth a thousand words (or at least 100 words...), tadaaaaa!

 A few weeks ago as I was thinking about how much money I needed to staff in Australia with Youth With a Mission for a year starting in January, I decided that I would sell my car. Once I realized that selling my car meant that I had enough for the year, my next thought was, "YAY! That means that I can give away some of the money I make from making crocheted and knitted items. So, I am now giving 50% of the proceeds away to Crossing Cambodia, which was one of the organizations I worked with during my time on outreach in Cambodia. They take in street kids and have a preschool for the younger ones and bring the school-age kids to school after giving them breakfast, a shower, having them brush their teeth, and giving them a fresh pair of clothes to wear. They also have Bible stories and groups coming in to help out some weeks like our group did. It was my favourite week of YWAM and I would love to be able to go back there and help out sometime in the future.

If you were wondering, I finished filling out my visa application about 4 weeks ago but have yet to hear back. I guess they are still reviewing it. Hopefully it will be finished by the time I get on the plane to Australia on January 1st early in the morning.
If you could be praying for that, that would be terrrrrific.
Also, I will need a travel backpack. Last time I was going to Australia one of the ladies from church graciously lent me her travel backpack. If any of you are willing and able to lend me a travel backpack or have one I could buy, please let me know, either by emailing or in person. It would be greatly appreciated.
Also, if anyone is looking to buy a 2003 Honda Civic and would like to help out a missionary (me!), please let me know.
I would love to hear from you. I am wanting to have a going away party before I go.
Also, if anyone has prayer requests or would like to share something that is happening in their lives, please feel free to write a comment below.

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