Hello friends, family, other random people reading my blog.
Meet my outreach team. We are going to Cambodia in 3 days and will be gone for a month. I can't wait to do life with them, helping out other ministries like Destiny Rescue and ministering to Jesus.
This last week and a half, we had a pastor come teach us about how we need to seek first the kingdom of god, what the kingdom is, and how we can apply that to our lives. For me, this week has been a constant laying down of my rights, my self and giving it to God. We were taught that in order to gain understanding and wisdom, we need to fear the Lord, and in order to do that we need to be poor in spirit. This week, I truly understood what it meant to be pour in spirit. I've lived my whole life of fire for God, loving Him, reading my Bible, praying, but not completely giving it all to Him. I wanted to, but just wasn't there yet. Last week I got off His throne and said that I would sit at His feet and have Him be the king instead of me. It was freeing and scary ll t once. Then later, I felt discouraged and tried to get over myself. I then realized, I can not do it. Only God can. And He does. He changes hearts, minds, and defeated life itself so He can change me. But first I need to want to be changed and realize I can not because I am not, and He says who I am. I am a daughter of the King, a princess, friend of God, and holy. No longer am I a slave to sin, but choose to be a slave to Christ.
I've been writing a song here that comes out of revelations of God that He's given me. Our DTS gets to record our songs in an electronic album and so if you want, you can hear it when it comes out. I can write more about that and about outreach in my next blog.
If all who are reading this could pray for our outreach team over the next month, for us to continue to be unified, that we would be constantly seeking the kingdom first and laying down ourselves for the One, and for protection against forces that my bring us down. I know we can not do it out of our own strength, but of God's strength. Let us not be discouraged but keep up the faith.
Thank you for all of your prayers and support. I love you all and be reminded today and every day of His love for you.
Have a good trip! We in winnipeg are praying for you!